Cappelli and Company, the show that everyone loved as a kid in the early 90’s, has returned to television. Beginning on Tuesday, July 1st the show will air Sundays through Fridays on WBGN, Channel 59.
Frank Cappelli, 61 of Mt.Lebanon, starred in the series, which featured music, how-to segments and a studio audience of children ages 3-7. The show was syndicated in other local TV markets and ran on Nickelodeon in 1993 and 1994.
In bringing the show back to air, Cappelli secured the rights to all of his shows and songs in order to sell them online.
Pacer Design Studios was able to create a fun website, that also integrated e-commerce to allow all of the fans of Cappelli and Company to purchase the songs and videos that they remember.
Pacer also partnered with Frank Cappelli to help usher the show into the work of Social Media Marketing.
Cappelli and Company now has a presence on YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. Pacer created branded pages on the social platforms and is currently working to train Frank and his team to manage and benefit from the various social media channels.