The other day I was reading a newspaper article about a new restaurant in town. The more I read, the more interested I became. The trendy tables and great atmosphere, not to mention how the writer raved about the service.  So I decided to check out the website to find out more. I googled the restaurant and there you had it…..nothing.  The article didn’t have the menu, hours, or location, but I figured the website would. If the website existed it would have. No website means nothing for the search engine to find.

My boss once told me “a poor website is worse than no website at all.” I find this to be true more and more as I begin my journey into web marketing. A website can serve many purposes in the tech savvy world we live in. The most important aspect of a website is image. If the image portrayed is old, dirty and not up to date then that is perception that company will give to potential clients.

Perception is reality…and that is never more true than in the marketing world.

So I do agree that a poor website is worse than no website at all, I think we can all agree that is not a race you want to be in.

Greg Cercone
Sr. Account Executive
Pacer Design Studios